if you are connected via IPv6 this turtle will dance


This server serves servantly nice web pages / email / mailing lists / DNS without overly charging your credit card. Tit-for-Tat principle . Support / donations help lo-res.org to pay for electricity. Dont complain if something does not work as expected. This is not a company and should not be one.


artasylum.lo-res.org brainbay.lo-res.org biterror.lo-res.org csi.lo-res.org cmses.lo-res.org fsl.lo-res.org joenoname.com juliart.lo-res.org guatemala.at lists.lo-res.org lo-res.org memecraft.org news.lo-res.org paranoia.at http://pilot.lo-res.org (previously pilot.fm) https://pobox.lo-res.org www.roboexotica.org rocket.lo-res.org swoosh.lo-res.org trac.lo-res.org www.amazon-noir.com www.amazzotti.com www.anuscan.com www.bernhards.net www.brainhard.com www.foriginal.com www.gwei.org www.hansbernhard.com www.ipnic.org www.lizvlx.com www.ubermorgen.com www.ubermorgen.net www.ubermorgen.org www.vote-auction.net cocktailrobots.com nerdsonair.lo-res.org

previously helping:

thenextlayer.org measurementlab.net piringer.net www.iftaf.org www.gemueseorchester.org cngw.org sezuan.com www.annapetukhova.com

out of date:

Schöpfwerkfarmer cdorder.lo-res.org omikron.org noizelabs.lo-res.org resistance.lo-res.org tonki.lo-res.org www.iddev.org www.bmdi.de zebra.lo-res.org 550rondy.com www.littlemisanthrope.com mamalala.net www.powerlesspointless.com

Contact: webmaster@lo-res.org

Historical note: 1999 the page looked like this:
    during the last weeks of april 1998 lo-res.org was started on the initiative of x and rost.
    the following days were characterized by bashing together working machines out of leftover computer parts.
    some time in may 1998 lo-res.org went online providing all services for itself.
    since then we have survived the loss of a complete system due to more than one HD crash because of overheating;
    a power supply because of the rather creative approach of our Kunstwerk neighbours to electricity and the loss of a mainboard to unknown forces.
    yet we have managed to keep our downtime to a minimum for no other reason than the fun of it all.
    since then we have managed to even serve some content here and to - slowly - expand our system.
    If we can survive the Y2K bug count on us to be there in the future.
Hihih... the Y2K bug! I am not so sure if so much changed ... HDs still crashed but well, what the heck we are ok... :)